- 🔧 ROAD//STABILIZR® is a long-term solution for stabilizing roads that require maintenance due to wet weather & marginal materials.
- 🔧 DUST/BLOKR® is a non-corrosive, environmentally friendly alternative to road salts, with superior results.
Cypher Environmental focuses on reducing OPEX and environmental footprint simultaneously, through better road management.
Hauling costs can account for up to 50% of the total operating costs incurred in open-pit mining. Any savings generated from improved road design and management benefit the mining company directly by a reduced cost per tonne of material hauled. With this in mind, Cypher Environmental developed a strategy to design products that can enhance the engineering properties of mine haul roads, improving their stability in all weather conditions, and reducing dust and maintenance requirements, with a specific focus on reducing rolling resistance – helping to reduce fuel consumption of haul fleets, improving productivity, and increasing tire life. The benefits of using Cypher Environmental products are substantial providing clients a 90% reduction in dust, an 85% reduction in water consumption, a 17.4% reduction in haul fleet fuel consumption, and over 300% gain in CBR, amongst others.
Cypher Environmental can put the client’s CSR strategies into action enhancing the mine’s social licence to operate through the company’s industry-pioneering Cypher Green Roads program. The program involves the donation by Cypher Environmental of 5% of a project value to local communities nearest the mine, on behalf of the mine, in the form of the same product being used at the mine to help improve their roadway infrastructure. This ensures the local communities also benefit from having a dust-free environment and a more sustainable road network. The program builds a stronger and more trusting relationship enabling the sharing of best practices between the community and the mining company.