Forward Water Technologies
Booth #11-B03

Forward Water Technologies (FWTC) is the industry leader in the design and manufacturing of industrial forward osmosis (iFO) systems, specifically engineered for the extraction of clean, reusable water from the most difficult and challenging client process streams, delivering water recovery rates up to 95%, product concentration factors up to 20X, concentrate total dissolved solids (TDS) up to 260,000 ppm and CO2 emission reduction up to 90% when Solar-FO TM is used. iFO is ideal for use in mining and Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) applications for clients looking to maximize water recovery at reduced CAPEX/OPEX compared to conventional thermal evaporation technology.

Primary Product/Service:
Industrial Forward Osmosis (iFO) used in the extraction of clean, reusable water from challenging and difficult process streams with high total dissolved solids (TDS). iFO is ideal for applications looking to maximize water reuse, minimize CO2 emissions, increase product concentration and minimizing environmental impact by operating iFO using solar thermal energy.


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