Ontario has created a list of essential workplaces in response to COVID- 19. Here’s the link to the Ontario list:
The resources excerpt follows
35. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of mining materials and products (e.g. metals such as copper, nickel and gold) and that support supply chains in Northern Ontario including:
a. Mining operations, production and processing
b. Mineral exploration and development
c. Mining Supply and Services that support supply chains in the mining industry including maintenance of operations, health and safety
36. Businesses that provide chemicals and gases to support the natural resource sector analytical labs and drinking water and wastewater sectors and other essential businesses
37. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of forestry products (e.g. lumber, pulp, paper, wood fuel, etc.)
38. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of aggregates to support critical infrastructure repairs and emergency response requirements (e.g. sandbags, armour stone barriers, etc.)
39. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of petroleum and petroleum by-products
Saskatchewan declares mining amongst Allowable Business Services during the COVID crisis.
See Saskatchewan news release, March 25, 2020 here:
The Backgrounder that is attached to the list provides greater detail, specifically that Services include: · Production, processing and supply
chains of the mining sector.
The Backgrounder is found here:
We’re still mining in Nova Scotia. We haven’t been designated an essential service but we haven’t been shut down either. Coronavirus reached us later than most parts of the country so we’re cracking down a bit later than most provinces.
Alberta hasn’t officially announced yet, but will most likely follow the lead of Saskatchewan and Ontario
British Columbia just announced mining as essential today. The official designation includes:
Mining operations, production and processing;
Mineral exploration and development; and
Mining supply and services that support supply chains in the
Mining industry including maintenance of operations, health and safety.
To read the news release and backgrounder on the order, https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020PSSG0020-000568
BC 2
It is interesting to note in a release from the BC government yesterday that “mine sites are not considered to be gatherings of more than 50 people”. The public health office has provided guidance on operating conditions.
See here: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020EMBC0014-000560
As of March 25, 2020, at 00:01 and until April 13, 2020, the Gouvernement du Québec has ordered the minimization of all non-priority services and activities.
It should be noted that all businesses can always engage in teleworking and e-commerce.
All businesses that produce inputs or raw materials necessary for priority services and activities must maintain their activities accordingly, bearing in mind the directives from public health authorities.
Businesses that provide non-essential services, excluding stores, can maintain minimal operations to ensure the resumption of their activities, bearing in mind the directives issued by public health authorities.
Priority manufacturing activities
Priority manufacturing activities, including:
Food production (for example agricultural operations, food processing, drink production, slaughterhouses, market-garden vegetable production
Production of inputs necessary for priority sectors
Pulp and paper sector
Manufacture of medical instruments
Manufacture of chemicals
Manufacture of sanitary products
Manufacture of micro-electronic components
Industrial facilities (in particular in the aluminum sector) and mining facilities, which must reduce their activities to a minimum
Manufacturing and maintenance in the defence sector
Government of Quebec
Also see https://im-mining.com/2020/03/25/quebec-miners-shut-downoperations-following-covid-19-government-order/
Still operating but no official orders.
Still operating but no official orders.