Terraplus has been in business for more than 30 years and has grown to become one of the world’s largest suppliers of geophysical instruments. We have a wide range of products available for sale, which employ a variety of geophysical methods, including:
• Borehole Logging
• Conductivity Meters
• Electromagnetics (EM)*
• Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)*
• Induced Polarization (IP)
• Magnetic Susceptibility & Physical Properties
• Magnetometers* & VLF*
• Resistivity Meters & ERT Systems
• Scintillometers & Spectrometers*
• Seismic
* Also available in UAV and/or airborne platforms
We also have a comprehensive rental inventory along with an inhouse technical department that can provide training and support, making us a one-stop source for your geophysical needs. Not sure which equipment is best suited for you? Visit our website or contact us to learn more.