Originally Published by Resource in Focus
For the past four decades, Mississauga, Ontario-based MSTA CANADA has provided marketing insight, promo-tion, education, advocacy, and networking opportuni-ties for member companies involved in the mining industry. “Our mandate is to connect you to opportunities to grow your business. We become an extension of your sales and marketing. We get you in front of people and provide you with [business] intelligence. We provide education to help hone your skills and make you better at what you do, and, of course, we’re always advocating on your behalf with our government and other governments and the industry as a whole,” states Managing Director Ryan McEachern.
MSTA CANADA’s 250 corporate members “represent the whole life cycle of the exploration and mining eco-system, right from exploration to development and design, to building [mining sites] and operating them, to refining and of course reclama-tion and closure, if that is required,” he continues. Most member companies “are focused on what we call hard-rock mining. That’s your metals and diamonds, but there is crossover. Members do participate in coal mining and even work within the oil sands because the extractive process is similar to mining. Quite a few members cater to multiple sectors. They join because they want us to help them focus on the mining industry here and around the world.”